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Drugo gostujuće predavanje u okviru programa Arhitektura. Utopija. Realizam. – AUR 2014/15: program gostujućih predavanja pripada tematskom ciklusu Laureati i kandidati, posvećenom monografskim prikazima aktuelnih i istaknutih ahitektonskih praksi.
Kristof Gantenbajn (Christoph Gantenbein), švajcarski arhitekta i docent ETH u Cirihu, predstaviće rad studija Krist i Gantenbajn (Christ & Gantenbein) iz Bazela, čiji je jedan od osnivača, zajedno sa Emanuelom Kristom (Emanuel Christ).
Autorski tim Christ & Gantenbein svrstava se u svojevrsni novi talas švajcarske savremene arhitekture. Njihov rad obeležava veliki broj osvojenih prvih nagrada na važnim međunarodnim konkursima, više projekata muzeja od kojih su tri aktuelna u realizaciji, kao i mnoga izuzeno zapažena realizovana dela. Naši studenti i šira stručna javnost imaće jedinstvenu priliku da čuju Kristofa Gantenbajna koji će govoriti o autorskom pristupu i radu svog tima. Nakon predavanja je planiran kraći razgovor publike sa gostom predavačem.
Vreme i mesto
/18.00 časova/
/Univerzitet u Beogradu – Arhitektonski fakultet/
/18.00 hours/
/University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture/

Christ & Gantenbein © Copyright by Christ & Gantenbein – all rights reserved.
Christoph Gantenbein, Prof., dipl. Arch. ETH SIA BSA
2010 Assistant Professor at the ETH Zurich
2009/2006/2004 Guest lecturer at the Academia di Architettura Mendrisio
2008 Guest lecturer at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design
2008 Member of managing board SIA Basel
2002 – 2003 Guest lecturer at Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst (HGK), Basel
2000 – 2002 Assistant Designer to Axel Fickert at the ETH Zurich
1999 Travel scholarship to Italy of the Schindler-Stiftung Zurich
1998 Architecture firm in joint partnership with Emanuel Christ
1998 Diploma of architecture at the ETH Zurich with Prof. Hans Kollhoff
1991 – 1998 Student of architecture at the ETH Zurich
1971 born in St. Gallen, Switzerland

Pilgrim’s Column, Ruta del Peregrino, Jalisco, Mexico © Photo: Iwan Baan
Studio profile
Christ & Gantenbein was established by Emanuel Christ and Christoph Gantenbein in 1998. Together with their six associates and a team of 35 architects, they work on a wide range of projects: from private assignments, renovation of historic buildings to housing, office buildings and bridges as well as big scale urban masterplans.

Kunstmuseum Extension, Basel, Switzerland © Copyright by Christ & Gantenbein – all rights reserved.
One of their main focal points is museum architecture: the renovation and extension of the Swiss National Museum in Zurich as well as the extension of Baselʼs Kunstmuseum are actually being planned. Built projects are to be found in Switzerland, Germany, England, China and Mexico.
After many teaching assignments in Switzerland and abroad, Emanuel Christ and Christoph Gantenbein took up professorships at the ETH Zurich in 2010.

Office Building, Liestal, Switzerland © Photo: Roman Keller