Project: „Learning Economies. Modelling Community-Led Local Development for the Sustainable Economic Trajectories оf the Negotin аnd Zlatibor Regions“
By Архитектонски факултет_Уредник on 12/12/2019The final meeting/ workshop of the project „Learning Economies. Modelling Community-Led Local Development for the Sustainable Economic Trajectories оf the Negotin аnd Zlatibor Regions“, took place on the 14th Decembre 2018. at the Faculty of Architecture University of Belgrade. -
PROJECT: „Learning Economies. Modelling Community-Led Local Development for the Sustainable Economic Trajectories оf the Negotin аnd Zlatibor Regions“
By Архитектонски факултет_Уредник on 12/12/2019The research workshop „Learning Economies. Modelling Community-Led Local Development for the Sustainable Economic Trajectories оf the Negotin аnd Zlatibor Regions“, took in Rome, at the Di Vittorio Foundation from the 14th to the 16th December. -
Project: „Learning Economies. Modelling Community-Led Local Development for the Sustainable Economic Trajectories оf the Negotin аnd Zlatibor Regions“
By Архитектонски факултет_Уредник on 12/12/2019The research workshop „Learning Economies. Modelling Community-Led Local Development for the Sustainable Economic Trajectories оf the Negotin аnd Zlatibor Regions“, took place from the 26th to 27th May 2018 at the Faculty of Architecture University of Belgrade. -
Project “DANUrB”: DANUrB Traveling Exhibition at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade, with Stakeholder Meeting and the Screening of “Donau, Dunaj, Duna, Dunav, Dunarea“ Film
By Архитектонски факултет_Уредник on 12/06/2019Travelling DANUrB exhibition was officially opened at the Faculty of Architecture on May 28, 2019. The exhibition was opened by the Vice-Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Ana Nikezić, head of the Austrian Cultural Forum in Belgrade, Mr. Johannes Irschik, Prof. Dr Aleksandra Djukic, project manager and Ina Ivanceanu, representative of OIKODROM organization, which designed the exhibition. -
Project “DANUrB”: DANUrB Traveling Exhibition
By Архитектонски факултет on 24/05/2019/We invite you to attend the official opening of the exhibition on Tuesday, May 28, 2019, at 4 pm at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade in the room 200. / The exhibition is opened untill June 4, 2019 -
DANUrB Project: the 3rd National Workshop in Smedrevo – February 26, 2019
By Архитектонски факултет_Уредник on 05/04/2019The group of 25 students from the 4th and 5th year of the Integrated Academic Studies of Architecture and staff from the Master course M06-Urbanism Studio at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade attended the 3rd national DANUrB – DANube Urban Brand student workshop in Smederevo in February 26, 2019. -
Report: DANUrB Project – Working meeting in Belgrade, February 22-23, 2019
By Архитектонски факултет_Уредник on 04/04/2019The first workshop within “DANUrB – DANube Urban Brand” Project in 2019 was held in Belgrade, Serbia, in February 22-23, 2019. The main organiser of the meeting was the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Belgrade as a project partner, while its co-organiser and associate strategic partner of the faculty – the City of Smederevo though its Tourist Board – through the Tourist Organisation was a host for all participants during a local cultural tour, held on the first day of the meeting. -
DANUrB partner meeting at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade, February 22-23, 2019
By Архитектонски факултет_Уредник on 07/02/2019/ 22-23.02.2019 / The first meeting of DANUrB INTERREG Project in 2019 is scheduled at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade on February 22-23. Partners from 39 organisations and from 7 Danube countries will discuss ongoing project activities in Belgrade during these two days. This meeting also includes a half-day cultural tour to Smederevo, which is an associate strategic partner of the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade at the project. -
DANube Urban BrandInternational Research ProjectsMaster Studies In Integral UrbanismSelected NewsWorkshops
The first national DANUrB Workshop in the Iron Gates Region – November 30, 2018
By Архитектонски факултет_Уредник on 22/12/201820 students from Master Studies in Integral Urbanism program and staff from the Master course МАСИУ-11030 Савремени урбанистички концепти (Contemporary Urban Concepts) at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade attended the first national DANUrB student workshop in the Iron Gates Region in November 30, 2018. This was a one-day on-site event and meeting. All participants from Belgrade visited several important locations in the region and met local stakeholders, with whom they started the last phase of DANUrB research considering the project strategy. -
International Research ProjectsLearning EconomiesLecturesSelected NewsStudent NewsМеђународна истраживања
Guest Lecture: “Unfolding Urban Heritage Conservation As Community-Led Local Development” – Dr. Elenа Battaglini
By Архитектонски факултет_Уредник on 12/12/2018/ 14.12.2018. at 17h, room 200 / We are pleased to invite you to the guest lecture “Unfolding Urban Heritage Conservation as Community-Led Local Development” by Dr. Elena Battaglini, Senior Scientist at the Di Vittorio Foundation (Fondazione Giuseppe Di Vittorio) and Teaching member at the PhD Programme at the University of Roma Tre in Rome, which will take place on Friday, the 14th of December 2018 at 17.00h, in the Room 200 of the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade. -
EmBuild Final Conference: Energy Efficient Buildings – Plan. Invest. Renovate!
By Архитектонски факултет on 22/05/2018/ Registration deadline: June 05, 2018 / We are pleased to invite you to the final conference of the project EmBuild Energy efficient buildings - Plan. Invest. Renovate! in Belgrade, at the Belgrade City Hall, Dragoslava Jovanovića 2, on Thursday, June 7th, 2018, from 09.00h... -
Call For Expert Evaluator: External Evaluation Of Study Program “Energy Efficient And Green Architecture”
By Архитектонски факултет_Уредник on 02/04/2018/ Application deadline: 10.04.2018. / This is a call for an Expert Evaluator that will perform the external evaluation of the specialist academic study program “Energy Efficient and Green Architecture“ at the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture, in order to internationally validate them. Application deadline: Tuesday, 10.04.2018. – 12.00h CET (10.00h GMT) -
Guest Lecture: Sustainable Urbanism and Globalisation – Prof. Ashraf M. Salama
By Архитектонски факултет_Уредник on 17/11/2017/ 30.11.2017. at 19.00 / We are pleased to invite you to the guest lecture “Sustainable Urbanism and Globalisation: Architectural and Urban Transformations in Emerging Cities of the Middle East” of Prof. Ashraf M. Salama (PhD, FRSA, FHEA, A-RIBA), Professor of Architecture and Head of the Department of Architecture, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom. The lecture forms a part of the international research Erasmus+ CBHE Project: Creating the Network of Knowledge Labs for Sustainable and Resilient Environments – KLABS. -
Project “DANUrB”: Golubac Workshop, Serbia (15-17th October 2017)
By Архитектонски факултет_Уредник on 18/09/2017The next workshop is holding in Golubac (Serbia) in October, 15-17, 2017. The organiser of the workshop is the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade as a project partner, while its co-organiser is the Municipality of Golubac through the Tourist Organisation of Golubac as a associated strategic partner in the project. -
Project: DANUrB – DANube Urban Brand
By Архитектонски факултет on 03/02/2017DANUrB – DANube Urban Brand – a regional network building through tourism and education to strengthen the “Danube” cultural identity and solidarity. Cultural network aims to strengthen the Danube regional cultural identity and to create a common brand by fostering transnational cultural ties between the settlements along the Danube, and by exploring the unused or hidden cultural and social capital resources for a better economic and cultural return... -
Erasmus+ CBHE Project: Creating the Network of Knowledge Labs for Sustainable and Resilient Environments – KLABS
By Архитектонски факултет on 06/04/2016Overall aim of the KLABS project is improvement and modernisation of postgraduate studies at higher education institutions of Western Balkan countries through which young professionals develop capacities in the areas relevant for creating sustainable natural, social and built environment, with special focus on development models in the context of adjusting to climate change and providing adequate responses to potential natural disasters as consequences to the change...