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Позивамо Вас на осмо предавање у оквиру циклуса Архитектура. Утопија. Реализам. – АУР 2014/15: програм гостујућих предавања на коме ће се представити архитекте Yoshiharu Tsukamoto и Momoyo Kaijima, оснивачи архитектонског студија Atelier Bow-Wow. Предавање “Behaviorology, Commonalities, and Actor Network Theory.” припада тематском циклусу Град и друштво.


Време и место

/Четвртак, 02.04.2015./
/18.00 часова/

/Универзитет у Београду – Архитектонски факултет/

/Thursday, 02.04.2015./
/18.00 hours/

/University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture/


Behaviorology, Commonalities, and Actor Network Theory

Наш живот у граду је веома фрагментисан кроз процес индустријализације током 20. века и изгубио је узајамну повезаност са остатком “света”. Управо зато, време је да се историја изнова сагледа из перспективе actor network теорије и да се успостави нови оквир за архитектонско пројектовање.

Our life in the city is very much fragmented through the process of industrialization during 20 century and lost the interrelation with the “world”. It is time to review this history through actor network theory and to establish the new framework for architectural design.

Atelier Bow-Wow is a Tokyo-based firm founded by Yoshiharu Tsukamoto and Momoyo Kaijima in 1992. The pair’s interest lies in diverse fields ranging from architectural design to urban research and the creation of public artworks, which are produced, based on the theory called “behaviorology”.

The practice has designed and built houses, public and commercial buildings mainly in Tokyo, as well as Europe and the USA. Their urban research studies lead to experimental project ‘micro-public-space’, a new concept of the public space, which has been exhibited across the world.

Architectural Behaviorology
Atelier Bow-Wow’s works are produced from the concept “architectural behaviorology”. The word “behavior” includes human behavior inside and outside of the building, physical phenomenon produced by different environmental elements such as light, air, heat, wind, and water in architecture, and building’s behavior in its surroundings. “Architectural behaviorology” aims to understand the behaviors of those different elements, and to synthesize them to optimize their performance in its specific context. It could be new definition of “what organic” in Architecture.

House & Atelier, Tokyo, 2005 © Atelier Bow-Wow

Yoshiharu Tsukamoto
Associate professor of Tokyo Institute of Technology, Dr.Eng.

1987 Graduate from Tokyo Institute of Technology
1987~88 Guest Student of L’ecole d’architecture, Paris, Bellville (U.P.8)
1994 Graduate from Post-graduate school of Tokyo Institute of Technology
2000~ Associate professor of Tokyo Institute of Technology
2003, 07 Visiting faculty of Harvard GSD
2007, 08 Visiting associate professor of UCLA
2011~2012 Visiting professor of Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Architecture School
2011 Visiting professor of Barcelona Institute of Architecture
2011- Committee Member of Archi – Aid
2012 RIBA International Fellowship
2012 Guest Professor of Kyoto Seika University
2013 Visiting Critic of Cornell University
2014 Visiting professor or Rice University

Momoyo Kaijima CV
Associate professor of University of Tsukuba, M.Eng.

1991 Graduate from Japan Women’s University
1994 Graduate from Graduate school of Tokyo Institute of Technology
1996~97 Guest student of ETH
1999 Graduate from Post-graduate school of Tokyo Institute of Technology
2000~09 Assistant professor of University of Tsukuba
2003 Visiting faculty of Harvard GSD
2005~07 Visiting professor of E.T.H.Zurich
2009~ Associate professor of University of Tsukuba
2011~2012 Visiting Professor of Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Architecture School
2011- Committee Member of Archi – Aid
2012 RIBA International Fellowship
2014 Visiting professor or Rice University

BMW Guggenheim Lab, New York City, 2011 | Atelier Bow-Wow, image © Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, Paul Warcol
Droog Town House, Amsterdam, 2009 © Atelier Bow-Wow

Izu Book Cafe, Shizuoka, 2012 | Atelier Bow-Wow, video © Shinkenchiku Sha
House & Atelier, Tokyo, 2005 © Atelier Bow-Wow