Erasmus+ Danubian SMCs Project: The Participation of the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade as a partner at the first transnational meeting in Budapest
By Архитектонски факултет_Уредник on 14/11/2019The Faculty of Architecture is a partner in a new Erasmus+ KA203 project – Danubian SMCs – on the behalf of the University of Belgrade, which will last 35 months. The focus of the project is on an interdisciplinary teaching, being primarily a collaborative educational project that emphasises both the transfer of knowledge between university partners and between teachers and students of all partners. -
Guest Lecture: “Prioritisation of Socio-economic Benefits Within Public Building Renovation Strategies; a European Perspective” – Sebastian Botzler
By Архитектонски факултет_Уредник on 28/03/2019/ 29.03.2019. at 15h, room 200 / We are pleased to invite you to the guest lecture by Sebastian Botzler, M.Sc, researcher and PhD candidat, a project leader for TUM – Technische Universität München for the Horizon2020 project “EmBuild – Empower public authorities to establish a long-term strategy for mobilizing investment in the energy efficient renovation of the building stocks”, that will take place on Friday, the 29 of March 2019 at 15.00h, in the Room 200 of the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade: “Prioritisation of Socio-economic Benefits Within Public Building Renovation Strategies; a European Perspective” All welcome! -
Symposium: “Metro-Milieu: (Alter)Rurality As A Relational Gap Between Inhabiting Scales” May 23–26, 2019
By Архитектонски факултет_Уредник on 26/02/2019The Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade and ARENA (Architectural Research Network) are inviting You to participate in the International Symposium: "Metro-Milieu: (Alter)Rurality As A Relational Gap Between Inhabiting Scales" from May 23 – 26, 2019. The call for participants is open to students, researchers and practitioners of any discipline feeling related to the theme of the event. -
EmBuild Final Conference: Energy Efficient Buildings – Plan. Invest. Renovate!
By Архитектонски факултет on 22/05/2018/ Registration deadline: June 05, 2018 / We are pleased to invite you to the final conference of the project EmBuild Energy efficient buildings - Plan. Invest. Renovate! in Belgrade, at the Belgrade City Hall, Dragoslava Jovanovića 2, on Thursday, June 7th, 2018, from 09.00h... -
AlumniInternational Research ProjectsMaster Studies In ArchitectureSelected NewsSeminarStudy ProgrammesWorkshops
Collaboration with ETH Zurich: “Belgrade Unbuilt – Project for Public Landscape” workshop
By Архитектонски факултет_Уредник on 17/04/2018University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture has organized an extra-curricular design workshop (17th – 23rd March 2018.) as an collaboration with ETH Zurich, Architecture of Territory Master Design studio. Seminar week included study visits to various locations in Belgrade and the group work at the Library of the Faculty of Architecture. Belgrade Unbuilt — Project for Public Landscape workshop is a part of the curriculum of the semestral program within the first year of the Master design studio Architecture of Territory (Assistant Prof Milica Topalović) of ETH, Zurich, whilst for the students of the first year Master’s degree at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade, the workshop was conducted as an extra-curricular activity. -
Call For Expert Evaluator: External Evaluation Of Study Program “Energy Efficient And Green Architecture”
By Архитектонски факултет_Уредник on 02/04/2018/ Application deadline: 10.04.2018. / This is a call for an Expert Evaluator that will perform the external evaluation of the specialist academic study program “Energy Efficient and Green Architecture“ at the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture, in order to internationally validate them. Application deadline: Tuesday, 10.04.2018. – 12.00h CET (10.00h GMT) -
Guest Lecture: Sustainable Urbanism and Globalisation – Prof. Ashraf M. Salama
By Архитектонски факултет_Уредник on 17/11/2017/ 30.11.2017. at 19.00 / We are pleased to invite you to the guest lecture “Sustainable Urbanism and Globalisation: Architectural and Urban Transformations in Emerging Cities of the Middle East” of Prof. Ashraf M. Salama (PhD, FRSA, FHEA, A-RIBA), Professor of Architecture and Head of the Department of Architecture, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom. The lecture forms a part of the international research Erasmus+ CBHE Project: Creating the Network of Knowledge Labs for Sustainable and Resilient Environments – KLABS. -
Guest Lectures: Prof. Alfredo Brillembourg “Urban-Think Tank: Housing the City” and Haris Piplaš “Reactivating Sarajevo’s (Dis)continuous urbanism”
By Архитектонски факултет on 31/05/2017/ 02 June 2017 at 19.00, Nebojša Tower / We are pleased to invite you to the guest lectures of Prof. Alfredo Brillembourg and Haris Piplaš, a result of cooperation between Faculty of Architecture University of Belgrade and ETH Zurich under the SNSF (Swiss National Science Foundation) SCOPES Program. Lectures will take place on Friday, 02 June 2017 at 19.00, at Nebojša Tower, Belgrade Fortress, Bulevar Vojvode Bojovića... -
Project: Empower public authorities to establish a long-term strategy for mobilizing investment in the energy efficient renovation of the building stock – EmBuild
By Архитектонски факултет on 09/03/2017The EmBuild project is designed to empower the public authorities at local, regional and national level, to formulate renovation strategies for the building sector that foster deep renovation and facilitate the acceleration of the renovation... -
Erasmus+ CBHE Project: Creating the Network of Knowledge Labs for Sustainable and Resilient Environments – KLABS
By Архитектонски факултет on 06/04/2016Overall aim of the KLABS project is improvement and modernisation of postgraduate studies at higher education institutions of Western Balkan countries through which young professionals develop capacities in the areas relevant for creating sustainable natural, social and built environment, with special focus on development models in the context of adjusting to climate change and providing adequate responses to potential natural disasters as consequences to the change...