Pozivamo Vas na deseto predavanje pod naslovom “Intermezo” u okviru ciklusa Arhitektura. Utopija. Realizam. – AUR 2014/15: program gostujućih predavanja na kome će se predstaviti arhitekte Charles Bessard i Nanne de Ru, osnivači arhitektonskih studija Powerhouse Company u Kopenhagenu, Roterdamu i Pekingu. Predavanje pripada tematskom ciklusu Projektovanje i tehnologije.
Powerhouse Company nije prvi put u Beogradu. Ovaj francusko-holandsko-danski tim, Šarl Besar i Nane de Ru, već je imao izložbu, predavanje i radionicu na našem Fakultetu 2005. i 2007. godine.
Kako spadaju u jedan od najdimnamičnijih studija svoje generacije u Evropi, njihova praksa se u međuvremenu veoma proširila po obimu, a teritorijalno sa Evrope i na Aziju., Njihovi konkursni projekti i realizovani objekti često su publikovani i nagradjivani.
Šarl Besar je vanredni profesor na Danskoj kraljevskoj akademiji lepih umetnosti u Kopenhagenu, a Nane de Ru direktor Berlahe instituta u Roterdamu.

Charles Bessard & Nanne de Ru [Powerhouse Company] | Photo © Dick Duyves
Powerhouse Company
Vreme i mesto
/18.00 časova/
/Univerzitet u Beogradu – Arhitektonski fakultet/
/18.00 hours/
/University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture/
Kratak opis:
Predavanje o nedavnim projektima Powerhouse kompanije podeljenim na arhitektonsko projektovanje, dizajn proizvoda, istraživanje i urbani dizajn. Razgovaraće se osnovnoj politici kvaliteta, prostora i produkcije znanja.
Short description:
Lecture about the recent projects of Powerhouse Company divided between architectural design, product design, research and urban design. We will discuss the underlining politics of quality, space and knowledge production.

Çanakkale, a 100-meter tall Observation and Broadcast Tower for the historic city of Çanakkale Turkey | Imagery © MIR
Charles Bessard (1970 France) is the co-founder of Powerhouse Company and associate professor at the Danish Royal Academy of Fine Arts.
He received the Master of Excellence in Architecture in 2002 from the Berlage Institute, Postgraduate Laboratory of Architecture, in Rotterdam and graduated with honours as an architect in 1993 at the Ecole Speciale d’Architecture in Paris.
From 1993 to 2004 Bessard worked on large scale projects in several practices in Paris including Atelier Jean Nouvel on the Denmark Radio Philharmonic Concert Hall in Copenhagen, Bodin and associates on the refurbishment of the Palais de Chaillot in Paris, and Sheppard Robson on the headquarters of Abbey National bank in central London.
In 2005 Charles Bessard co-founded Powerhouse Company with Nanne de Ru, an office for Architecture, Urbanism and Research, with branches in Rotterdam and Copenhagen. Powerhouse Company is working throughout Europe and Asia on design and research projects.
The work of Powerhouse Company is published and exhibited internationally. The work of Powerhouse Company won international acclaim with amongst others the Nykredit Prize in 2012, the Dutch Design Award in 2009 and three nominations for the prestigious Mies van der Rohe Award.
Since 2014 Charles Bessard is co-responsible for the master program “Urbanism and societal change” at the Danish Royal Academy of Fine Arts.
He has been invited as guest professor and lectured in schools across Europe such as the Aarhus School of Architecture, Aalborg university, the Icelandic Academy of Arts, TU Delft, The Rotterdam Academy of Architecture and Urban Design and AHO Oslo School of Architecture. Since 2009 Charles is a PhD-fellow at the Danish Royal Academy of Fine Arts, where he is researching new urban planning strategies addressing the rising sea-water levels in Denmark.

Powerhouse Company | Photo © Powerhouse Company
Nanne de Ru (1976, the Netherlands) is the co-founder of Powerhouse Company and the director of The Berlage Center for Advanced studies in Architecture and Urban Design.
He studied Architectural Engineering at the Amsterdam University of Applied Science and received the Master of Excellence in Architecture in 2002 from the Berlage Institute, Postgraduate Laboratory of Architecture, in Rotterdam.
In 2011 he was awarded the Rotterdam Maaskant Prize for Young Architects. In 2005 Nanne de Ru co-founded Powerhouse Company, an office for Architecture, Urbanism and Research, with branches in Rotterdam and Copenhagen. Powerhouse Company is working throughout Europe and Asia on design and research projects.
The work of Powerhouse Company is published and exhibited internationally. The work of Powerhouse Company won international acclaim with amongst others the Nykredit Prize in 2012, the Dutch Design Award in 2009 and three nominations for the prestigious Mies van der Rohe Award.
Prior to founding Powerhouse Company, Nanne de Ru worked from 2002 to 2004 at Rem Koolhaas’ AMO, the research branch of OMA, as a lead researcher and designer.
Since beginning 2013 Nanne de Ru is Director of The Berlage. He has taught and lectured at schools across Europe, such as the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen, the Ecole Speciale d’Architecture in Paris and the Oslo School of Architecture and Design.

Rhijnspoor Building: The new centre for technology at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Powerhouse Company | Image © MIR