Deparment of Architecture
Room: 231
Scientific field:
History, Theory and Aesthetics in Architecture and Visual Arts, and Protection of Monuments
Research interests:
theory and estetics of architecture and visual arts
Dr Vladimir Mako, is the professor at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture. He finished his studies at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade in 1982. The degree of Master of Science he achieved in 1988 at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, and the degree of the Doctor of Science in 1993 at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. He is the professor at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture.
Vladimir Mako is author of over fifty journal articles and conference proceedings papers, as a number of books and chapters of books. As researcher, he was active in six scientific projects, and participated in number of international conferences. For his research he was granted award for the best scientific work in 2008 at the University of Belgrade by the Foundation Veselin Lučić. He is the president of the Serbian Association for Aesthetics in Architecture and Visual Arts.