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Pozivamo Vas na deveto predavanje u okviru ciklusa Arhitektura. Utopija. Realizam. – AUR 2014/15: program gostujućih predavanja na kome će se predstaviti urbani geograf Dr. Nathalie Blanc, direktor istraživanja Nacionalnog centra za naučna istraživanja (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, CNRS) u Parizu (Université Paris 7). Predavanje “Environmental aesthetics at the time of the Anthropocene” pripada tematskom ciklusu Istorija i teorija.


Vreme i mesto

/Četvrtak, 09.04.2015./
/18.00 časova/

/Univerzitet u Beogradu – Arhitektonski fakultet/

/Thursday, 09.04.2015./
/18.00 hours/

/University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture/



Ekološka estetika u vreme Antropocena
Šta humanističke ekološke nauke imaju da kažu u vezi sa pojavom geološkog doba koje se prvenstveno definiše na osnovu ljudskog uticaja na živi svet? Kako ćemo naći odgovarajuće ili neprimerene termine da prikažemo krizu takvih razmera? Refleksija ekološke estetike mogla bi da ukaže na ono što je relevantno: treba da istražimo različite dimenzije ove nove oblasti proučavanja.

Environmental aesthetics at the time of the Anthropocene
What do environmental humanities have to say regarding the emergence of a geological era to be defined primarily by the human impact upon the living world? How do we find the proper or improper terms by which to bring a crisis of such magnitude into perspective? An environmental aesthetics reflexion might introduce be relevant. Let’s explore the different dimensions of this new domain of research.

© Nathalie Blanc, Emeline Eudes


Dr Nathalie Blanc je direktor istraživanja Nacionalnog centra za naučna istraživanja, Université Paris 7 (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, CNRS).

Doktorirala je u oblasti urbane geografije (La nature dans la cité / Priroda u gradu), i dala značajan doprinos istraživanju u oblasti prirode u urbanom okruženju i ekološke estetike; napisala je više desetina naučnih članaka, predstavila radove na međunarodnim seminarima, simpozijumima, konferencijama i napisala nekoliko knjiga: L’animal dans la ville [Životinja u gradu], Pariz: Odile Jacob, 2000; Vers une esthétique environnementale [Ka ekološkoj estetici], Versaj: Quae, 2008; Ecoplasties. Art et environnement [Ecoplasties. Umetnost i životna sredina], u saradnji sa Julie Ramos, Pariz: Manuella, 2010; Nouvelles esthétiques urbaines [Nova urbana estetika], Pariz:  Armand Colin, 2012; Politique des formes [Politika formi], Pariz: Armand Colin, 2014; Ecoart book: from today to tomorrow [Knjiga o eko umetnosti: od danas do sutra], u saradnji sa Barbarom Benish, London: Routledge, 2015.

Dr Nathalie Blanc je autor/ koautor izveštaja o rezultatima mnogih naučnih istraživanja. Između 1999. i 2003. godine, bila je urednik programa o prirodi i urbanom pejzažu – Pejzaži gradova budućnosti – koji je pokrenut nakon poziva za podnošenje predloga projekata francuskog Ministarstva Ekologije.

Između 2008. i 2012. godine, Nathalie Blanc je u saradnji sa P. Clergeau bila zadužena za program “Procena urbane zelene mreže i razvoj referentne infrastrukture između estetike i ekologije za novi urbanizam” u jednoj od faza podnošenja predloga za projekat Održivi gradovi, 2008. godine, koji je raspisala Francuska nacionalna agencija za istraživanje (L’Agence nationale de la recherche, ANR).

Učestvovala je u dugoročnim studijama koje su se bavile pitanjem ulaganja i učešća stanovnika u životnoj sredini, između 2003. i 2008. godine u Francuskoj, SAD, Holandiji, Nemačkoj i Rusiji. Od maja 2011. godine Dr Blanc je francuski delegat na evropskom projektu u kome učestvuje 14 zemalja pod nazivom: Ispitivanje kulturne održivosti (Evropska saradnja u oblasti nauke i tehnologije– COST IS1007).

Kreativnost Dr Blanc nije ograničena samo na istraživanje u oblasti geografije već ima i jaku estetsku dimenziju. Pitanje estetike je u sve većoj meri zastupljeno u njenom istraživačkom radu što potvrđuje i naziv najnovije publikacije. Od 2009. godine spoj prevashodnog interesovanja za prirodu u gradovima i estetiku iskristalizovan je kroz njeno bavljenje onim što se danas kvalifikuje kao eko umetnost.

© Nathalie Blanc, Emeline Eudes


Dr. Nathalie Blanc is Director of Research at National Center for Scientific Research at Université Paris 7 (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, CNRS).

Her doctoral thesis was in Urban Geography (La nature dans la cité / Nature in the city), and her main contribution to research is in the area of nature in urban settings and environmental aesthetics, with dozens of scientific articles, papers delivered at international seminars, symposiums, conferences, and several books: L’animal dans la ville [Animal in the city], Paris: Odile Jacob, 2000; Vers une esthétique environnementale [Towards environmental aesthetics], Versailles: Quae, 2008; Ecoplasties. Art et environnement [Ecoplasties. Art and Environment], with Julie Ramos, Paris: Manuella, 2010; Nouvelles esthétiques urbaines [New urban aesthetics], Paris: Armand Colin, 2012; Politique des formes [Politics of the forms], Paris: Armand Colin, 2014; Ecoart book: from today to tomorrow, with Barbara Benish, London: Routledge, 2015.

Dr. Nathalie Blanc has been responsible/jointly responsible for many research reports. Between 1999 and 2003, she directed a program on nature and urban landscape – Landscapes to give life to the cities of tomorrow – in response to a call for projects from the French Ministry of Ecology.

Between 2008 and 2012, Nathalie Blanc was jointly in charge (along with P. Clergeau) of the program “Assessment of urban greenways and development of a referential: an infrastructure between aesthetics and ecology for a new urbanity” in response to Part 3 of the ANR’s (French National Research Agency) 2008 call for projects for Sustainable cities.

She has also worked on inhabitants’ investment of environments between 2003 and 2008 within long-term studies in France, the US, the Netherlands, Germany, and Russia. Since May 2011, Dr. Blanc has been the French delegate for a 14-country European project entitled: Investigating cultural sustainability (European Cooperation in Science and Technology – COST IS1007).

Creative activity of Dr. Blanc is not limited to geographical research but has a strong aesthetic dimension. This is a concern that appears more and more often in her research work as illustrated by the title of her most recent publication. Since 2009, the convergence of preoccupation with nature in cities and the aesthetic has crystallized in her participation in an activity qualified as eco‐artistic.

© Nathalie Blanc, Emeline Eudes
© Nathalie Blanc, Emeline Eudes