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Предавање Álvaro Gómez-Ferrer Bayo: Валенсија, поглед у будућност из историјске перспективе


Шпански културни центар Институт Сервантес организује предавање које ће одржати шпански архитекта Áлваро Гóмез-Феррер Баyо, под насловом:

Валенсија, поглед у будућност из историјске перспективе

Говориће о развоју и еволуцији архитектуре у Валенсији, а биће обезбеђен и симултани превод на српски.
Више информација на: http://belgrado.cervantes.es/FichasCultura/Ficha91695_58_34.htm


Место и време

Институт Сервантес
Чика Љубина 19, Београд

Уторак, 10. децембра 2013.године
почетак: 18.00 часова

Биографија предавача

Álvaro Gómez-Ferrer Bayo

Academic Qualifications:
Baccalaureate in 1956. Degree in Architecture in 1965. School of Madrid.
Doctorate in Architecture and qualification as an Urban Planning Technician from the Local Administration Studies Institute (1968).

Professional career:
Municipal architect of the city of Xàtiva, 1965-1975.
He wins competitions to carry out the urban planning framework of some cities, and implemented many planning bylaws and various environmental protection sector plans as Bethlehem Master Plan, or the Conservation Plan for the historic city of Medina (Malta).
Recently, he has been awarded to develop the disused railway yards in the city of Benicassim.
As an architect, he has been continually active in the field with projects of all kinds, residential, industrial, social and cultural, as well as restoration and rehabilitation projects, amongst which the Valencia Fine Arts Museum is particularly of note.

Positions held:
Spokesman in the Historic-Artistic Heritage Commission of Valencia Province 1973-1983.
President of the Spanish Committee of ICOMOS 1986-1997.
President of the Spanish Association of Urban Planning Technicians (AETU) 1991-1999.
Vice-president of the CEU-ECTP 1993-1999. President in 1997.
Member of the International Committee of Historic Cities (CIVVIH) since 1995
Secretary of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Valencia 1991-1999.

Current positions:
Correspondent Academic of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Madrid (1980).
Permanent Academic and curator of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Valencia (1985). Correspondent Academic of the National Academy of Fine Arts in Lisbon (2006).
Honorary Member of the International Committee of Historic Cities (CIVVIH).
Honorary President of the CEU-ECTP.
Honorary Member of ICOMOS in 2011.

Reports and other activities:
He has written numerous reports for the declaration of historic/artistic monuments and landscapes in the province and city of Valencia.
In 1988 he travelled to the Philippines to assess the monuments, cities and landscapes to be included in the World Heritage list.
Expert responsible for drafting reports for the inclusion in the World Heritage List: Oporto (1996), the Grand Place in Brussels, (1998), the Verona (2000), the Medina in Essaouira (2001), Bordeaux (2006), Mantua and Sabionetta (2007).
He has written reports on the exceptional value for: Santarem, Guimaraes and Marvao in Portugal, Siracusa and Genoa in Italy, Cidade Velha in Cape Verde.
He was on the jury of several architecture and urban-planning competitions.
He has organised over a dozen international urban-planning congresses. He has been the invited speaker at more than thirty international congress related to urban-planning and heritage, and has attended a total of eighty-five international congress.

Teaching activities:
Head professor of the Urban Planning I course at the School of Architecture of Valencia during several academic years.
Director of the Urban Planning Post-graduate courses at the Polytechnic University of Valencia 1985-1988.
Invited professor at the Technical University of Athens, and the Lusófona and Luisiada Universities of Lisbon.

He has published up to a total of 45 articles and papers from the different congress at which he has been a speaker.

Извор: http://unesco.urbanismosevilla.org/unesco/en/speaker/%C3%A1lvaro-g%C3%B3mez-ferrer-bayo-0